Mitchell Joachim: Ne gradite svoj dom, uzgojite ga! - video Tehnologija
TED suradnik i urbani dizajner Mitchell Joachim predstavlja svoju viziju za održivu, organsku arhitekturu: eko-prijateljsko prebivalište od biljaka i — čekajte malo — mesa.
Metoda koja istovremeno oduševljava ali i tjera čovjeka da se zamisli. Što nam donosi budućnost?
Zašto uzgajati domove? Jer možemo. Upravo sada, Amerika je u stalnom stanju traume. I postoji razlog za to, dobro. Imamo McLjude, McAute, McKuće. Kao arhitekt, moram se suprostaviti nečem takvom.
Dakle koja je to tehnologija koja nam omogućuje da radimo ogromne kuće? S nama je preko 2,500 godina. Naziva se pletenje, ili kalemljenje drveća zajedno, ili kalemljenje spajajuće tvari u jedan isprepleteni, vaskularni sustav. A mi radimo nešto drugo od onoga što smo radili u prošlosti. Mi dodamo malo inteligencije tome. Mi koristimo CNC kako bismo izgradili podij za vođenje polu-epitetičke materije, biljaka u specifične geometrije koje stvaraju domove koje nazivamo Fab Tree Hab (sjajna kuća na drvetu). To se uklapa u okoliš. To jest okoliš. To je krajolik, točno.
I možete imati stotine milijuna kuća na drveću. I to je sjajno, jer usisavaju ugljični dioksid. Oni su savršeni. Možete imati stotine milijuna obitelji, ili odnijeti stvari izvan predgrađa, jer su to kuće koje su dio okoliša. Zamislite selo u pred-izrastanju -- Treba mu 7 do 10 godina -- i sve je zeleno.
Dakle, ne samo da radimo vegetarijanske kuće, također radimo in-vitro-mesno stanište, ili kuće o kojima radimo istraživanja u Brooklynu, gdje, kao arhitektonski ured, kao prvi takve vrste, želimo staviti biološki laboratorij molekularne stanice i početi eksperimentirati sa regenerativnom medicinom i inžinjeringom tkiva i započeti razmišljati o tome kakva će biti budućnost ako arhitektura i biologija postanu jedno.
Dakle na tome radimo već nekoliko godina, i ovo je naš laboratorij. I ono što radimo jest da uzgajamo izvanstanične matrice od svinja. Koristimo modificirani inkjet pisač. I ispisujemo geometriju. Ispisujemo geometriju gdje mo
žemo napraviti objekte industrijskog dizajna poput, znate, cipela, kožnatih remena, ručnih torba, itd., gdje niti jedno osjećajno biće nije povrijeđeno. To je bez žrtava. To je meso iz testne tube. Dakle, naša teorija je kako bismo to trebali raditi s domovima.
Ovdje je tipičan poprečni zid, arhitektonska konstrukcija. A ovo je sekcija našeg prijedloga za kuću od mesa, gdje možete vidjeti kako koristimo masne stanice za izolaciju, cilije kako bi se nosili s vjetrom i sfinkter mišiće za vrata i prozore.
I znamo kako je to nevjerojatno ružno. Mogao bi biti engleski tudor ili španjolski kolonijal, ali smo mi izabrali ove oblike. I postoji onaj koji je uzgojen, najmanje jedan partikularni dio njega.
Imali smo veliku prezentaciju u Pragu. I odlučili smo staviti to ispred katedrale kako bi se religija mogla konfrotirati s kućom od mesa. Zato mi uzgajamo kuće.
Mitchell Joachim

Soft cars, jet packs and houses made of meat are all in a day's work for urban designer, architect and TED Fellow Mitchell Joachim.
Why you should listen
Mitchell Joachim is a leader in ecological design and urbanism. He is a co-founder of Terreform ONE and Terrefuge, and is on the faculty at Columbia University and Parsons. Formerly he was an architect at Gehry Partners and Pei Cobb Freed, and he has been awarded the Moshe Safdie
Research Fellowship.
Joachim won the History Channel and Infiniti Design Excellence Award for the City of the Future, and Time Magazine's "Best Invention of the Year 2007" for his Compacted Car with MIT's Smart Cities. His project, Fab Tree Hab, has been exhibited at MoMA and widely published. He was chosen by Wired for "The 2008 Smart List: 15 People the Next President Should Listen To."
What others say
“The ideas that we proffer are based on off-the-shelf existing technologies. We just change the solution-bases and do things that aren't necessarily as obvious. We don't have a problem with thinking about science fiction -- in fact we actually embrace it.” — Mitchell Joachim
About Mitchell
Dr. Joachim is a leader in ecological design and urbanism. He is a Co-Founder at Terreform + Planetary ONE. He earned a Ph.D. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MAUD Harvard University, M.Arch. Columbia University. Mitchell is an Associate Professor at NYU and previously was the Frank Gehry Chair at University of Toronto. Earlier, he was faculty at Columbia, Syracuse, Washington, and Parsons. He was formerly an architect at Gehry Partners, and Pei Cobb Freed. He has been awarded fellowships at TED2010, Moshe Safdie Assoc., and Martin Society for Sustainability at MIT. He won the History Channel and Infiniti Excellence Award for City of the Future, and Time Magazine Best Invention of 2007, Compacted Car w/ MIT Smart Cities. His project, Fab Tree Hab, has been exhibited at MoMA and widely published. He was chosen by Wired magazine for "The 2008 Smart List: 15 People the Next President Should Listen To". Rolling Stone magazine honored Mitchell in "The 100 People Who Are Changing America". In 2009 he was interviewed on the Colbert Report. Popular Science magazine has featured his work as a visionary for "The Future of the Environment" in 2010.
TED Conferences
TEDGlobal 2012, TED2012, TEDGlobal 2011, TED2011, TED2010
Areas of Expertise
Architecture, Urban Mobility, Urban Design, ecological design, Future Cities
An idea worth spreading
Homes can and should be truly organic. Different from the kind of organic houses Frank Lloyd Wright had in mind, and actually edible. And while I'm at it; cars should be soft. We designed these ideas and more… Of course they are not brand new concepts, but its now more possible and relevant than ever.
I'm passionate about
Cities, Ecology, and Mobility
Columbia, Harvard, MIT
Talk to me about
Big ideas for cities, new kinds of transport and/or energy, fine art, bad art, ecosystems, movies, and Brooklyn...
People don't know I'm good at
Double bass drums
My TED story
My TED story starts somewhere between hearing Majora Carter and Kevin Kelly, and has yet to end.